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MS3D ChaCha Camera Features and Usages

1.    ChaCha Mode Setting: 
   •    “L<—R”, Right to Left mode. To take the Right Image as the 1st image, then take the Left Image as the 2nd image. This setting is the default setting.
   •    “L—>R”, Left to Right mode. To take the Left Image as the 1st image, then take the Right Image as the 2nd image.

2.    Horizontal Resolution(every single shot) Setting: 
   •    “1920”, 1920x1440 (pixel). This setting is the default setting.
   •    “4k”, 4000x3000 (pixel). 

3.    3D Photo Format Setting: 
   •    “SVLR” (Split Vertical Left and Right image pair). This setting is the default setting.
   •    “SBS” (Side By Side Left and Right image pair).

4.    Focus Mode Setting:
   •    “AREA”, Focus is based on area average. This setting is the default setting.
   •    “SPOT”, Focus is based on finger touch spot on the screen of viewing window.

5.    Easy Mode Setup: 
   •    Easy Mode:   “AREA”;  “SVLR”;  “1920”;  “L<—R”. This is the default setup.
       Every time the MS3D ChaCha app reopens, all the MS3D Camera settings will be automatically reset to Easy Mode.

6.    In Process Guiding Message: 
   •    Guiding messages will be displayed dynamically.
   •    “Use your right eye to take the 1st image”. This message will be showing when you are ready to take 3D photo in “L<—R” ChaCha mode.
   •    “Use your left eye to take the 1st image”. This message will be showing when you are ready to take 3D photo in “L—>R” ChaCha mode.
   •    “Use both your eye to take the 2nd image”. This message will be showing after the 1st image has been taken.
   •    “Save and enjoy you 3D photo!”. This message will be showing right after the 2nd image is On Holding or has been taken. 

7.    Move Mobile Phone Indicator: 
   •    “ <— ”, this arrow in both left and right image windows indicates you need to move your mobile phone to left side. It will show up soon after you clicked the Camera button to take the 1st image, and the ChaCha mode setting is  “L<—R”(Right to Left mode).
   •    “ —> ” this arrow in both right and left image windows indicates you need to move your mobile phone to right side. It will show up soon after you clicked the Camera button to take the 1st image and the ChaCha Mode setting is  “L—>R”(Left to Right mode).

8.    Alignment Assistance Grid: 
   •    Left and Right image alignment assistance grid is over lapped on the center of both left and right image widows to assist you for aligning the 1st and 2nd images when aiming the two images. Grids will not show up when the Focus Mode setting is “POST” mode.

9.    Folder or Album name is “ms3d”:
   •    MS3D ChaCha app only creates /ms3d file folder or “ms3d” album and only saves all its photos in /ms3d file folder or “ms3d” album.
10.    Quick 3D taking process:
   •    Once you see the 1st image is ready in the viewing window, click the Camera button to take the 1st image.
   •    As soon as you see the 2nd image is ready in the viewing window, click the Camera button again to take the 2nd image. That is all for a quick 3D photo taking.  
       In reality, right after the Camera button is click again, MS3D ChaCha app will immediately merge both 1st and 2nd images into the 3D photo, format and save it into the mobile phone(inside /ms3d folder or “ms3d” album), also, restart the MS3D Camera to be ready for taking the 1st image of the next 3D photo. 

11.    Hold On and Continue during taking the 2nd image:
   •    Hold On (Pause, “ || ” ) button for holding the 2nd image. This button will show up after the 1st image has been taken. Click this button when aiming the 2nd image, so that both 1st and 2nd images will be latched side by side on the screen. That gives a chance for you to look into details about the quality of this 3D photo, if you satisfy it, click “Save 3D” button to finish.
   •    Continue (Retake, “ > ” ) button for continue to retake the 2nd image. This button will show up when the 2nd image is On Holding(Hold On button is clicked). If you are not satisfy the 2nd image latched on the screen, click this button, then the 1st image will be stay still, you will be ready to take the 2nd image again. 
       Repeat Hold On and Continue retake the 2nd image, you will be get the satisfied 2nd image to form the 3D photo. Click “Save 3D” button to finish up.
       You can also give up by clicking the “Restart” button.

12.    Ai-alignment:
   •    “Ai” button, for applying MS3D Ai-alignment algorithm to re-align both 1st and 2nd images digitally. This button will show up when the 2nd image is On Holding(Hold On button is clicked), actually in this case, both 1st an 2nd images are latched on the screen side by side.
   •    Click this button, both left and right images will be re-aligned based on MS3D Ai-alignment algorithm, and the result photo will be showing on the screen. You can look into details of this Ai aligned 3D photo, if you satisfy it, simply click the “Save 3D” button to save this Ai aligned 3D photo. Otherwise, click the “Restart” button to skip it.
13.    Zoom In and Out:
   •    Zoom In ( + ) button. Increasing the zoom in level for taking both 1st and 2nd images.
   •    Zoom Out ( - ) button. Decreasing the zoom in level for taking both 1st and 2nd images.
       The zoom in level will be kept for the following 3D photos taking. 
       To reset the  zoom in level to 1.0, simply click the “Restart” button.

14.    Restart and Reset:
   •    Restart (Reset) button. In any case you can click the “Restart” button to restart the 3D photo taking process, and the zoom in level will be reset to 1.0 as well.


15.    2D Photo Taking:
   •    Save 2D ( “2D” ) button. For immediately saving the 1st image as a 2D photo. This button will show up soon after you clicked the Camera button for taking the 1st image. And the camera will be ready for taking the 1st image of the next 3D photo.

16.      Open MS3D Viewer:
   •    Click the MS3D Viewer picture, the entire app will switch to MS3D Viewer.  
       To review the 3D photos you took just now, simply browse to “ms3d” album, or /ms3d file folder, then select and open them in MS3D Viewer.  

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